California Bears
In The Wrong Place
Photo by Irene Gillette
An adult female bear and her two 65-pound yearlings that broke into and caused severe damage to more than 10 homes in the Meeks Bay area of Lake Tahoe, have been shot and killed, according to the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG).

The female bear was shot by a resident late one night as it attempted to rip a plywood cover off the resident's window. The resident had been issued a depredation permit authorizing him to kill the bear as it had already broken into his home and caused damage. The name of the resident has been withheld by request.

The DFG responded immediately and tracked the injured bear into the early morning hours. Realizing that the bear had not died from the initial gunshot wound, the search was resumed at daylight. The bears were found by noon and all three were put down. According to residents in the area, the bears had been habitually fed by construction workers building houses in the area and had become so dependent upon people for food that they were well beyond rehabilitation.

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