Booting Up for Bulls
by Bob Foulkrod
Elk hunting involves walking, often in rugged terrain. Stout boots with high-traction soles are highly recommended. However, comfort is critical.

Consider the season in which you will be hunting and pick an appropriate insulation level. If you think you will be on stand a lot in cold weather, you’ll need more insulation than if you will be walking most of the time. It’s hard to stay out with miserably cold feet.

Also consider boot weight, particularly if you intend to do much hiking. A few extra ounces on each foot can feel like a ton halfway up a mountain.

Carry an extra pair (or two) of socks in your day pack and change socks during the day. Sweaty socks get clammy and cold and also promote blisters. Using a non-scented foot powder helps with the perspiration issue.

At the same time you are getting yourself in shape for elk season, get your new boots well broken in. A blister is a cheap way to ruin an expensive hunt.

Realtree X-tra
The Official Camouflage of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

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