Pig Hunting Opportunity

Few Applications So Far

A mere trickle of postcard applications has rolled in so far for next year's earlier and larger pig hunt to be held in February and March on the Department of Fish and Game's Tehama Wildlife Area east of Red Bluff, the DFG said December 12th.

Fish and Game scientific aide Rosemary Gartner said Wednesday that only 20 applications had arrived for the 240 free permits which allow hunters to take part in the eight weekend hunts on the area. Application deadline is 5 p.m. on January 11, 2002.

"We're a little concerned that hunters are used to the old application deadline and hunt dates and haven't taken notice of the changes for the coming season," Gartner said.

Instead of the March-April hunts of the past, the Tehama will run eight consecutive weekend hunts beginning February 2-3, 2002, and ending March 23-24, 2002, announced DFG officials. According to the same sources, the hunt area also will be doubled.

To apply, hunters must submit a standard Postal Service postcard with their names, hunting license numbers, a mailing address and a daytime phone number to the DFG at 601 Locust Street, Redding, CA 96001. Up to four hunters may apply together on one postcard and may apply for only one of the eight weekends by writing a corresponding number from one to eight.

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