California Point System Update
At the recent International Sportsmen's Exposition in Sacramento, California, some of our readers questioned us about California's new Modified Preference Point System. They had been told by people manning the DFG Booth at the show that the point system would not go into affect this year. According to Sonke Mastrup, Deputy Director, Wildlife and Inland Fisheries Division, the point system drawing will go into effect in 2003.

Additional questions and answers regarding the new point system follows.

If you are not drawn in the 90% deer group and go into the random draw for the remaining 10% of the tags, and are then drawn, will you lose all of your points?

No. You only lose points if you are drawn for your first choice in the points round.

If you just put in for a point and not a tag, is the cost the same?

To earn a point you have to enter the drawing (with a pass marked). You will not have to purchase a tag to get or retain the point, but it will cost you for the license and the application fee.

I can understand not needing to buy the elk, sheep or antelope tag if you only put in for the point, but for deer you are already buying an application (cost of tag) so the cost is the same for deer either way, correct?

If you don't want the tag application, you would put in for a refund. The DFG will be looking to develop a "point only application" so you wouldn't have to ask for a refund, but that's not going to happen this year. Put it on your wish list for a future year.

So, you could get your money back (by getting a refund on the tag application) and still keep the point?

Yes, under the current system if you didn't get drawn for your first choice, you will be notified of your options and that you receive a point. The options would be to pick an available tag or get a refund, or donate it to the cause. In any of these options, you retain the point.

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