Pig Hunt Drawing
The California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) will hold a limited-entry, permit-only pig hunt to control a small population of wild pigs on the Joice Island Unit of Grizzly Island Wildlife Area in Solano County.

Joice Island is a 2,150-acre wetland area consisting of thick cattails, tules, some brush and standing water. The first weekend of this hunting opportunity has been reserved for junior hunters. Two-day pig hunt permits will be issued by drawing only for the following weekends:

JUNIOR HUNTERS (12 & over w/ Jr. License) March 5-6, 2005

GENERAL (Adults or Juniors may apply) March 12-13, 2005

March 19-20, 2005
March 26-27, 2005
April 2-3, 2005
April 9-10, 2005
April 16-17, 2005
April 23-24, 2005
April 30 – May 1, 2005
May 7-8, 2005
May 14-15, 2005
May 21-22, 2005
May 28-29, 2005

Three hunters will be drawn for each of the 13 weekends, for a total of 39 hunters. The drawing for the 39 two-day permits will be on February 17, 2005. Permits with maps and additional information will be mailed to successful applicants. A permit holder may bring one non-hunting partner. Hunters may use dogs for this hunt.

NOTE: Only shotguns using slugs will be allowed for this hunt.

How to apply for a permit:
Send a standard U.S. Postal Service postcard (available at local post offices), with the following information:
Hunter Name
(Junior hunters must also provide name of adult chaperone)
Valid Hunting License Number
City, State, Zip Code
Telephone Number
Hunt Date

Mail Application Card To:
Joice Island Pig Hunt
2548 Grizzly Island Road
Suisun, CA 94585

Choose only one hunt date:
Application cards must be received by close of business, Wednesday, February 16, 2005. Each hunter may apply only one time and for only one date. Applications will be accepted for parties of up to two hunters, but the card must contain all information for both hunters. Incomplete cards and multiple entries will not be accepted. There is no fee to apply.
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