Saving Duck Eggs
The California Waterfowl Association is asking for voluneeters to help save waterfowl eggs. Egg salvage operations are in full swing throughout the Sacramento Valley! The grainfields, alfalfa, pastures, uncut roadsides and even the pre-mowed grasses in orchards are excellent nesting habitat for waterfowl. Soon, though, the rumble of heavy machinery and cutting bars will frighten those hens off their nests, and hundreds of eggs could be abandoned or even crushed.

Rancho Esquon, which has offered to coordinate egg pick-ups, are in need of volunteers who can transport eggs to one of four hatching and rearing facilities across the valley. If you can help, please call 1-866-DUC-EGGS. Your help will be much appreciated by Rancho Esquon and CWA, who are partnering egg salvage and breeding habitat restoration efforts to increase local breeding ducks (especially mallards)!

Farmers and landowners: If you encounter a situation where wild duck nests are about to be destroyed, please call 1-866-DUC-EGGS to notify egg salvage experts that nests are in danger. Trained volunteers will be summoned to collect threatened eggs and bring them to a hatching and rearing facility; and those ducklings should have an excellent chance to be released back into the wild.

If you can help, please call 1-866-DUC-EGGS today!
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